Brand Awareness Research

How do you stack up against the competition? Assessing brand awareness through studies provides a comprehensive understanding of your brand's recognition compared to others. Additionally, it offers unbiased benchmarks for evaluating the effectiveness of your long-term marketing and PR campaigns.

Awareness Metrics

We assess two forms of awareness: unaided and aided. Unaided awareness, often considered the pinnacle for brands, gauges the ability to recall top-of-mind . The second type measures overall brand recognition. These two metrics serve as crucial benchmarks to evaluate the current level of your brand's recognition and to determine if future marketing efforts contribute to an improvement in awareness over time.


Awareness By Segment

We cannot assume that everyone possesses the same level of knowledge about your product. Through gathering aided and unaided awareness data from diverse category buyers, we analyze the strengths and weaknesses of awareness across various customer groups.


Key Category Metrics

While your main objective might be measuring aided and unaided brand awareness, there's no need to limit your focus to just that. Awareness studies can be extended to gather more information such as purchase drivers and barriers, product usage patterns, and more. This approach allows you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the category and customer behavior.




Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) is a method of collecting information face-to-face, where the interviewer uses a tablet, mobile phone, or computer to record responses during the interview.


Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) is a research methodology that uses software to assist interviewers in conducting telephone surveys. With CATI, interviewers follow scripts displayed on computer screens that contain questions and answer options. As respondents provide answers, interviewers enter them directly into the computer system


Web survey is part of a methodology based on presenting survey questions to respondents through a survey link, panel, or website. It is considered the most cost-effective way to collect survey data, as it eliminates the need for CATI or CAPI interviews, devices, or additional tools. For all these reasons, internet surveys (also known as online surveys) are one of the most widely used methods for data collection. When you choose the CAWI market research and data collection method, all attention is focused on the design of the survey questionnaire, as the response rate directly depends on the quality of the survey

Desktop Research

Desktop Research, also known as secondary research, is a method of gathering information and insights by analyzing and synthesizing existing data and sources, rather than collecting initial data through fieldwork or surveys. This method involves exploring reports, articles, research papers, and other publicly available materials to obtain valuable knowledge and make informed decisions. Desktop Research can take the form of web searches, online platforms, industry reports, or even physical books. While these sources may not always provide comprehensive answers, they can offer valuable pieces of information to address your questions.

Focus Group

Focus Group, carefully selected participants who are gifted with the ability to contribute to open discussions, serves as a small group identified for research purposes. The hosting organization meticulously selects participants to represent the broader population they are targeting for their research. The group can explore new products, feature updates, or other intriguing topics to generalize reactions of the entire population. A moderator is included in this research. Their job is to ensure objective results and minimize bias in discussions. Focus Groups are used in Qualitative Research. Typically, a group of 6-10 individuals, usually consisting of 8 members, gathers to explore and discuss a topic such as a new product. The group shares their opinions, knowledge, and ideas related to the discussed topic. Participants openly share their thoughts and are independent in convincing other participants of their ideas. The facilitator records the discussions and ideas of the group members. The right group members influence the outcomes of your research, so it's crucial to be selective when choosing participants.

Ethnographic research

Ethnography is a qualitative method commonly used in social and behavioral sciences for collecting data. Information is gathered through observations and interviews, and then used to draw conclusions about how communities and individuals behave. Ethnographers observe life as it is, rather than trying to manipulate it in a laboratory setting.

Deep interviews

These are face-to-face interviews where you can have lengthy conversations with individuals in their homes or other suitable private locations. Alternatively, it can be conducted online through programs like Skype or over the phone. This allows individuals to feel comfortable discussing sensitive topics and helps gather more insights. A discussion guide is needed to assist these interviews, with a relatively unstructured list of topics to be covered. The person moderating these interviews should be skilled in determining the success of the research, as they can delve deeper into the discussion beyond the general topic questions outlined in the discussion guide and sometimes steer the discussion off-topic. Unlike standard surveys, only a few interviews are required for research because the goal of this technique is to understand and contextualize the topic better rather than evaluating specific instances with numbers.